Be part of a unique Social History Archive

Stones Telling Stories

Do you have family and/or friends buried or commemorated in our Cemetery?

Can you tell us something about their lives?

Do you have photos or documents relating to them?

We need your help!

Our trained team of volunteers are waiting to invite you
to visit our Heritage Centre and to record your stories.

The information collected will form a unique Social History Archive that will help tell the story of London Jewry in the last 150 years. It will not only be a resource for genealogists and future generations, but also provide the basis for new Willesden Cemetery guided walks, talks, publicity, website content and publications.

Send us some details and we will follow up with a call.

 The information given on this form is for the use of the United Synagogue’s House of Life team at Willesden Jewish Cemetery and will not be shared with any outside agencies. All personal data will be processed and stored in accordance with the provisions of UK GDPR 2021 and the DPA 2021.